Everything has a place and there is plenty of room and cleanliness!
Closet now has reason to it and items are easily seen and grab-and-go!
Page Bedroom
and attatched closet
There is a lot of accumulation of objects throughout the entire room and the table is not available for dining on.
The dining room is restored to its former glory!
People can now sit and have conversation over a neat and tidy space.
There is a lot of accumulation of objects throughout the entire room and the table is not available for dining on.
Dining room
Bedroom has a lot going on and with scarce order to it.
A safe haven!
Fabric and ribbon in assigned areas with wrapping supplies neatly organized
Bedroom has a lot going on and with scarce order to it.
Page Bedroom
and attatched craft closet
No more worrying about tripping over things.
Attic closet and garage storage
Before: hard to walk in and find needed items
Before: Items in disarray
After: Luggage displayed according to size and easily accessible
Before: hard to walk in and find needed items